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Promoting Brain Health During A Time Of Social Distancing

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In these uncommon times, we find our lives are being somewhat disrupted. As health officials work to prevent the spread of COVID-19, social distancing recommendations have changed our day-to-day interactions. Maybe we temporarily cannot enjoy the company of family and friends like we usually do, or the activities we regularly enjoy are limited or unavailable for the time being.

Many Americans may now face a new reality where they are entirely separated from a long-term companion or family. You may be in a situation where a loved one is being cared for in a setting that is not accepting visitors to protect the wellbeing and health of those vulnerable to infectious disease.

If you need immediate help, our dementia care at home Orange County can make sure your loved one is taken care of with the best at home memory care.

Ready to schedule at home memory care? Get a free phone consultation within 24 hours here.

Brain Health Benefits For Dementia Care Orange County

Now is the time to ensure that those who are affected by dementia and Alzheimer’s disease know that they are not alone. Moreover, those with a loved one living with the disease should remember the importance of social interaction in maintaining one’s brain health.

Numerous studies have proven the positive impact of social activity on our brain health, especially for older adults. Indeed, those with dementia care Orange County needs who are most socially active have shown slower disease progression.

Thankfully there have been many stories of hope and creative ways people are staying in touch with loved ones. Nowadays, thanks to technology, there are many ways to communicate with loved ones who need at home Alzheimers care. Also, consider our dementia care Orange County services if you’d like help in caretaking.

Stay connected and help your loved ones promote brain health. Here are some ways you can keep in touch while practicing social distancing:

  • Schedule daily time to text in a group with family members.
  • Schedule daily time to video chat with loved ones.
  • Record a voice memo or video message that can be delivered electronically.
  • Share photos through text or email of your family, something in nature.
  • Watch a movie, show, or religious service at the same time, and discuss afterward.
  • Send clips of interesting articles or favorite songs so you can discuss them later.

And, with the added uncertainty and stress of living through this period of disruption, now is certainly not the time to neglect your brain health.

Help At Home Memory Care Seniors Stay Mentally Active

It is important to remember the six pillars of brain health. To help you in this effort, check out Harvard Health Publishing—12 ways to keep your mind healthy.

The six pillars of brain health are:

  1. Physical exercise
  2. Food and nutrition
  3. Sleep and relaxation
  4. Mental fitness
  5. Medical health
  6. Social interaction

Now, as I am sure you can see, some of these are likely to be impacted by social distancing. For instance, social interaction has become much more limited. That is why we must emphasize social interaction over the phone, video chat, or other methods. The same goes for mental and physical fitness. At least for now, your weekly game of chess with a friend can be virtual. These options are often less disruptive for seniors who need at home Alzheimers care Orange County.

Do not ignore your brain’s health. Be creative and explore alternative options and solutions. Here are a couple more recommendations for brain healthy against social distancing:

  • Stay active and do yoga in your own home. Thanks to websites like YouTube, there are countless online instructional videos to follow along with.
  • Eat a healthy brain diet with a home-cooked meal. With many restaurants temporarily closed, now is the time to try cooking new brain healthy recipes—maybe something with salmon and dark, leafy greens.
  • Calm your mind through meditation. If you have more free time than usual, try to take ten minutes a day to reduce your stress and meditate.

Please stay safe and remember your brain health—you are a valuable part of our community, and you mean the world to us.

Keep Brain Health A Priority

If you’re still overwhelmed by a lack of care during this time for your loved one—give us a call at 714-671-6877 or contact us here to schedule a free consultation.

Our dementia caregiver support Orange County provides a broad range of at home Alzheimers care services. We provide personal dementia care Orange County plans that include support for daily activities such as nutrition, hygiene, dressing, and exercise.

All our home healthcare plans are customized to provide the best training to each caregiver regarding your senior’s at home Alzheimers care needs. Additionally, we also offer skilled care, elderly care, travel care, and long term care.

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Lucy Taz
Lucy Taz
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